Man TV: When relaxation time turns into a hostage situation.

The day has finally come to an end. There is a glimmer of hope that you will be able exhale the stress that has built throughout your daily grind. You've come prepared. The popcorn and the appropriately paired wine are on-board. Everything is starting to look up. Suddenly you begin to feel uneasy. The spidey … Continue reading Man TV: When relaxation time turns into a hostage situation.

If you are going to take a “No Makeup Selfie” take off your damn makeup.

Summer has been in full swing now and another round of no makeup selfies has begun. Women of social media have been posting photos with the tag #nomakeup in droves. The posts garner plenty of attention and seem to fulfill one need or another. There is always an excuse as to why it is vitally … Continue reading If you are going to take a “No Makeup Selfie” take off your damn makeup.

There is no need to be a complete twatwaffle.

This is my callout to all the unaware (or maybe aware but until now not so caring) twatwaffles of the world. Knock it off. Collaborate with the women around you. Hold in the passive- aggressive bullshit. Listen to someone else. Genuinely connect. It's amazing how far not acting like a twatwaffle can get you.

Giving Up on Giving a Damn

In life many people strive for perfection. There is an image of a perfection that seems completely unobtainable. Guess what, it is unobtainable. I am now a mom of three under five, in my thirties, and there are just so many damns I do not give. Damn not given #1: Toxic relationships: Growing up I … Continue reading Giving Up on Giving a Damn

How New Year’s Eve changes after you have kids.

New Year's Eve used to be a big deal. In my younger years plans were laid out weeks ahead of time. It felt important to really nail the whole New Year's thing in order for the upcoming year to get off on the right foot. As the years have gone by a lot of things … Continue reading How New Year’s Eve changes after you have kids.

Why is this even a thing?

As an adult (ok, adultish) woman I often question the trends that go around regarding social media. Chain letter messages, like = 1 prayer, share this post and you'll get a portion of a lottery win... all that bullshit. I've been a member of social media since it's infancy of MySpace. When Facebook came around … Continue reading Why is this even a thing?

Presence Not Presents 

Christmas is full of planning, stress, and obligations. The anxiety of the day can take over rather quickly. The distractions of the holiday details can blur your view of what is truly important. Many times this holiday season I have found myself worrying about preparing to have a perfect day. I worry my children will … Continue reading Presence Not Presents 

When a hot guy calls you “ma’am” for the first time.

In my day, I had it. I was able to grab the attention of a room, manipulate men to my whims, and basically use my womanly means to my full advantage. Does this sound shallow, borderline derogatory, and against everything women are fighting for currently? Yep. Is it still true? Yep. I've never really accepted … Continue reading When a hot guy calls you “ma’am” for the first time.

Why forgetting your phone is not the end of the world: Advocating for a digital diet.

I had the diapers, wipes, bottle, sippy cups, snacks, extra clothes, bandages, bug spray, kitchen sink, pacifiers, blanket, back-up blanket, and the stroller. I counted a couple times and I for sure had all the kids. I even went the extra mile and remembered the husband. My little family was totally prepared to take on … Continue reading Why forgetting your phone is not the end of the world: Advocating for a digital diet.