Priviledge requires listening.

I am privileged. As a white, straight, middle class Midwestern woman I have not had to fight to gain access to my rights or many of the opportunities that I have accessed. Honestly, I have no idea what it is like to be discriminated against based on factors far beyond my control. This is my … Continue reading Priviledge requires listening.

Giving Up on Giving a Damn

In life many people strive for perfection. There is an image of a perfection that seems completely unobtainable. Guess what, it is unobtainable. I am now a mom of three under five, in my thirties, and there are just so many damns I do not give. Damn not given #1: Toxic relationships: Growing up I … Continue reading Giving Up on Giving a Damn

A little gardening saved me.

It was a soft Sunday afternoon when my 3 year old was napping and the Wisconsin summer sun seemed extra warm. Not harsh, just warm. There was a breeze that was so perfect. It was the breeze you only ever read about in a book, never really experiencing (or remembering) the perfection of what the … Continue reading A little gardening saved me.