Man TV: When relaxation time turns into a hostage situation.

The day has finally come to an end. There is a glimmer of hope that you will be able exhale the stress that has built throughout your daily grind. You've come prepared. The popcorn and the appropriately paired wine are on-board. Everything is starting to look up. Suddenly you begin to feel uneasy. The spidey … Continue reading Man TV: When relaxation time turns into a hostage situation.

Finally, summer!

Like a long winter that might make you question why you live in such a state, then casually strolls in summer, just in time to remind you it's not so bad.

5 truths of a sick mom.

You're sick. Not the sniffles but full-blown sinus pressure, nausea, body aches, weird drainage, can't think, can't breathe, fever, coughing, sore throat, full-blown exhaustion kind of sick. Basically, you've become a walking receptacle for all germs and your poor immune system is getting its ass kicked. It's not surprising that physical illness inhibits your ability … Continue reading 5 truths of a sick mom.

Burnout is a bitch.

Passion is a motivator. Pursuing a passion is supposed to be one of the greatest accomplishments in a lifetime. When reading obituaries it is common to read about what passions helped to shape and fulfill the life of the person lost. Passion is what forces action, compassion, and change. However, it is important to remember … Continue reading Burnout is a bitch.

When a “beauty specialist” reveals your “level of aging”.

I am not a woman who puts a lot of value in makeup. It is more of a nuisance to me than a necessity. That being said, makeup has its place. I would feel foolish walking into a big event without a few strokes of mascara and a dash of color. Because of this, I … Continue reading When a “beauty specialist” reveals your “level of aging”.

Tonight I cried in front of my kids.

There are days that are more emotionally taxing than others. We've all been in an emotionally vulnerable frame of mind that leaves us exhausted. For me, today was one of those days. Emotional vulnerability is not something I am comfortable with. I prefer to keep my emotions tight-lipped. Honestly, I'd rather have a colonoscopy than … Continue reading Tonight I cried in front of my kids.

A little gardening saved me.

It was a soft Sunday afternoon when my 3 year old was napping and the Wisconsin summer sun seemed extra warm. Not harsh, just warm. There was a breeze that was so perfect. It was the breeze you only ever read about in a book, never really experiencing (or remembering) the perfection of what the … Continue reading A little gardening saved me.

A tornado was my wind of change: Seriously, it took a freaking tornado.

Written by Shasta Westaby Edited by RNplusmommy May 16th, 2017 was a day that turned the lives of so many upside down. Seriously, a damn tornado flipped my community. 83-miles of damaged homes, barns, crops, woods, businesses. It was and is overwhelming. I won't minimize my anxiety over storm season but I get to remember … Continue reading A tornado was my wind of change: Seriously, it took a freaking tornado.