Dear Perfect Comment Section Mom, STFU. Sincerely, everyone else on the planet.

I am sure that everyone has read her comments. The mom in the comment section of an article, news story, or personal status who decides that her opinion is so incredibly important that everyone must not only be subjected to reading it but must also agree with her. She clearly states that all her ducks … Continue reading Dear Perfect Comment Section Mom, STFU. Sincerely, everyone else on the planet.

There is no need to be a complete twatwaffle.

This is my callout to all the unaware (or maybe aware but until now not so caring) twatwaffles of the world. Knock it off. Collaborate with the women around you. Hold in the passive- aggressive bullshit. Listen to someone else. Genuinely connect. It's amazing how far not acting like a twatwaffle can get you.